Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sweet William

We went to the doctor on Tuesday for William's four month checkup, and of course, he's perfect!
Weighing in at 13 lbs 1 oz (Lauren was 14.5 lbs) and he is 24 inches long.
His eyes still haven't decided what color they want to be and his hair is still crazy.

I still haven't purchased a double stroller, so when needed we get by with the baby bjorn. I think the double stroller would make life easier so I've been searching Craigslist daily for a good deal. But for now, he loves looking around and taking it all in and I get a workout!
He went in the pool for the first time this week...though you can't tell from this picture. Grandma thought she was taking pictures, only she was really taking twenty, five second videos. Its ok Grandma, we'll use the video footage.
He is all smiles and boy, does he love his mama! So much so he refuses to take a bottle. I blame myself because there really hasn't been a reason to get him to take a bottle like there was with Lauren, but now I could really use more than a three hour break. The doctor said we need to try everyday, in a quiet place and it needs to be someone besides me. So far, he still won't take it, but Billy said progress is being made.

But listen here for some serious talking and laughing. I could watch over and over, Wills is so expressive!

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