I posted about making my own laundry soap back in January and I just ran out of it last week. I split the batch with my mom who coincidently also ran out at the same time. If you do the math, an entire batch would have lasted about eight months.
Eight months of laundry for only $25!
I wasn't blown away by the stain remover, but most of the stains in my life are grease/oil and those are tough to remove no matter what detergent you use. But I wanted to give it another try after finding another recipe online.
It was so much easier to mix this time because I only had to grade one bar of soap and I through everything together outside so there was no mess!
I'm loving this one more because it was cheaper at $17.60 and smells so good with the addition of Purex Crystals (which I had never heard of). And this recipe states, one scoop for light loads and two scoops for heavy/dirty loads. Let me know if you try it and I'm happy to give out a little sample!
I'm going to have to try this variation! And I love those Purex Crystals. I just picked up some Clorox 2 to try out for stains. I'll let you know if I like it.